For the past couple of entries, I’ve talked about how wonderful my Holy Cross experience has been (is? was? I’m not sure which tense I should really be using.). If I had to isolate just why my Holy Cross experience has been (again, tense?) so incredible, I’d say that it was (is?) because of the people – the friends that I’ve made, the professors who have changed my life, the faculty and supporting staff who provided all of these opportunities. So, I’ve decided to deluge you all with photos from my four years at Holy Cross of all of the people who have made my time on the Hill such a wonderful experience. It’s my way of thanking them all for everything. These photos aren’t in chronological order at all – it’s just a montage from all four years. Although, you might be able to decipher what year it was based upon my hair cut and color. I should really just retitle this blog “the many hair styles/adventures of Colleen.”
What’s so fantastic (in my opinion) is that these 82 photos (and counting) hardly scratch the surface of the many photos that I took throughout my four years at Holy Cross. They barely begin to cover all of the memories, experiences, and adventures that I had on the Hill and beyond.
To everyone in these photos – thank you for the incredible memories. If I could, I’d go back and relive every single moment. Since I am (was?) an English major, I’ll leave you with some lines from WB Yeats (as recommended to me by a fellow Crusader alum, Ted ’84):
Think where man’s glory most begins and ends
And say my glory was I had such friends.
– “The Municipal Gallery Re-Visited”
I feel so honored to be in this album!!! Colleen, you have changed my life, i miss you already!! I can’t wait to see you again 🙂