After the Baccalaureate Mass, my family and I went out to dinner at the Flying Rhino (one of my personal favorites. Try the everything Tuna. It’s delicious, especially if you like sashimi!). But, before that, I had my sister take one very special photo for me.
This is where I was when I found out that I got into Oxford. I received the e-mail on my BlackBerry, and I was too nervous to open it. Cecilia, my ballroom co-chair, made me open it. I read the first line: “Dear Ms. Curran: I am delighted…” I didn’t read anything else. I just started jumping up and down. So, even though it was in the Science Complex, that particular spot is very special for me.
Anyway, we went out to the Flying Rhino.
Two girls attending private liberal arts colleges mean my father only has a couple of tens in his wallet now.
After the festivities there, Mom, Dad, Caitie, and I proceeded to the Baccalaureate Ball, which was held in Kimball. Quite frankly, you’d never know that it was the same dining hall in which I worked. It was absolutely gorgeous.
Sorry about the flash. Disposable cameras aren’t the best of quality, but they are fun when you get them developed!
Everyone enjoyed the night of food and dancing. Then, at midnight, our parents left, and the seniors enjoyed our last night on campus. That last night was weird. We all knew it was our last night on the hill, but no one wanted to explicitly say so. So, instead, we all just reminisced about the past four years and enjoyed each others’ company.
We didn’t sleep at all that night. Well, maybe a few of us (yours truly) crashed for thirty minutes or so. But none of us were tired. Frankly, none of wanted that night to end. We all knew that the next day would require us to say good-bye, and no one wanted to do that.