Student Blogs


March 21st, 2011 cmcurr11

I should have known that the glorious weather on Friday was too good to last. It grew progressively colder over the weekend, and now it is actually snowing on the first day of Spring. Don’t believe me? Here’s a shot from where I’m currently studying in the Rehm Library:

Well, at least I won’t be distracted by the nice weather…? This winter has been incredibly long and harsh. I only hope that all of the snow melts before graduation. We all were saying that as a joke to each other back in January, but now I’m actually beginning to wonder if there will still be a few patches here and there come May 27th.

UPDATE (12:58 p.m.)

So this isn’t just a brief dusting of snow that’s going to melt the second it hits the ground. Within just an hour, this is how much snow is now on campus:

Um. It’s March/nearly April, right? Right? Just wanted to make sure that I have my months right.

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