Student Blogs

More Good-Byes

December 18th, 2010 cmcurr11

Just when I thought I was finished saying goodbye, I received a phone call shortly after I arrived home. My pastor, Msgr. Reynolds, passed away this afternoon. Msgr. Reynolds was a very close friend of the family, and he was always interested in my education (between the Jesuit affiliation and my stint at Oxford, he was convinced that I’m a masochist…which I am). I told him once about my Latin class and how much we were translating, and he simply looked up and said in a thick Irish brogue, “Oh, Laard above.” He loved hearing about my Oxford stories, as well – I even brought him back a scarf from Blackfriars (a Dominican college at Oxford) since he loved that particular college so much.

This is not exactly how I wanted to start my Christmas break. Then again, I’m grateful that I’ll be able to say this good-bye. Wow. Growing up is painful.

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