Today is an absolutely gorgeous day in Worcester, but as I was walking from Healy to Hogan (so a total of ten seconds), I realized that there was practically no one outside. Just wait until tomorrow, though – Freshmen Move-in Day is tomorrow. You never would expect that such a hectic day is going to occur tomorrow when everyone on campus is just so peaceful. Of course, thinking about the events of tomorrow made me remember my very own move-in day Freshman year…Now it’s okay to look back on it and laugh, but at the time, I was not in a good mood at all. We were allowed to start moving into our dorms at 9:00 or so, but we hit so much traffic coming from our week long vacation on Cape Cod. We didn’t arrive at Holy Cross until 1:00. As we scrambled to pick up packages, sort out my reading list, and attempt to make my side of the room inhabitable, I picked up the schedule of events for the day; I was shocked. I was supposed to pick up my ID by 1:00 pm., and we had Mass at 4. The world stopped for about five minutes as I attempted to soak all of that in. A) I didn’t have my ID. B) Mass was at 4:00, which was in just a mere three hours. I had sheets on the bed, and that was about it. Suddenly, my sister snapped me out of my stunned reverie. When I told my parents that we only had until 4:00, they went into overdrive mode. And that’s when it all hit me – I was actually a freshman at college. After Mass, I’d be on my own. Like I said, it’s funny to look back on all of this…now. At the time, I was experiencing such a different range of emotions: from excitement to nervousness, from anticipation to sheer dread. And, yes, I will admit it – I did cry during the Mass and when I left my parents. But, as I told my parents, my Holy Cross experience had nowhere to go but up after that day. And it truly has gone up from there. So, tomorrow when I’m working at Kimball, walking around campus, and helping out at the Mass of the Holy Spirit, I know it’s going to be quite nostalgic, especially if I see any freshmen crying (little caveat here: there is no shame in crying! If your parents are anything like mine, they’ll just make fun of you for the rest of your life.).
If any freshmen read this before your big day tomorrow, know that it is a stressful day. You might cry (either tears of joy or sorrow), or you might remain emotionless. Whatever your reaction is to moving in, welcome to the Hill. You’re going to have a fantastic four years here.