Student Blogs

June 27th, 2009

June 27th, 2009 cmcurr11

Tonight, I wasn’t sure if I was in Boston or in Atlanta. My family and I went to the Red Sox game in Atlanta tonight, and I’m quite positive that there were more Red Sox fans there than Atlanta Braves fans. When Youkilis got up to bat, the crowd was deafening with cheers of “Yoooooooouk.” Instead of cheering “Let’s go Braves,” the crowd changed it into “Let’s Go Red Sox.” It was hilarious. It was basically an away game for the Braves, but in their own stadium. Of course, Turner is not the same as Fenway, but it was still great to see the Red Sox play. It was just a rather boring game. The final score was 1-0. There were only five or six hits by either team (and Big Papi did make a double). It was more of a pitchers’ duel than anything. Oh well – it was still hilarious to see a taste of Boston in Atlanta. Now I just wish that we could have some of Boston’s weather. The high hovers in the 90’s on a daily basis; the day of the game was 96. I just keep going from extremes – Worcester in the winter, and Georgia in the summer. You would think that I’d learn how to balance it in my favor!

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