Student Blogs

February 6, 2009

February 6th, 2009 admin

Pack your bags and book your flights – this blog will officially be traveling overseas next year to Oxford, England. I found out that I was officially accepted to study next at Oxford University on Thursday. Prof. Smith saw me earlier in the day and told me personally; my immediate response was to jump up and down repeatedly. He, along with many others, now has a concrete reason to think that I’m insane. I am so excited for this opportunity; my summer experience was amazing, and I cannot wait to spend next year abroad. There’s only one drawback – this is my last semester at Holy Cross until my senior year. It’s a daunting feeling, but studying at Oxford for a year is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Luckily, I won’t be going alone. Some of my best friends were also accepted; Carrie, Margaret, and Jeremy will be joining with me. Ah! When can I start packing?!?!

Thursday was just a really fun day, I suppose. Jess’ birthday was on Tuesday, but her boyfriend, Brenden, had been planning her surprise party for at least two weeks. He decided to hold it on Thursday after her Fools performance. Because we all knew that we were celebrating it later on in the week, none of us went out of our way on her actual birthday. She told me on Wednesday that she was sad that everyone “forgot” her birthday, and I could only smile. I spent the better portion of Thursday making Funfetti cupcakes (her favorite), and Brenden, Haley, and Sean decorated the room. Right after Fools, we all packed into Brenden and Sean’s room. Jess thought that something was up, but she was so surprised when she opened the door. Of course, because it’s Jess, instead of saying how happy she was, she started apologizing because she had been so frustrated that everyone forgot her birthday. It was a great night, and we were all glad that none of us spoiled the surprise. Grant came really close, though.

Ashley went on Manresa this weekend, so I had the room to myself. Guess how I used my time? I read for the entire weekend. Sunday was actually a fairly nice day (it felt like spring!), so I spent some time outside. As much as I love winter, I do miss reading outside. By my calculations, we should be snow-free around April 26. Then we’ll have one week of final exams. Funny how that works out.

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