Student Blogs

April 1, 2008

April 1st, 2008 admin

It’s a paper week, and, sadly, everyone call always tell when I have a paper week. My room looks like a T-9 tornado has just ripped apart only my side of the room. Pieces of paper are strewn everywhere. Post-it notes with little fledgling quotes from books somehow end up in my closet. Tea mugs clutter my desk. Yes, paper weeks aren’t fun, nor are they appreciated by my roommate. But, I have a couple more of these weeks coming up during my last full month. Today, I found out that one of my prospectives was accepted and he’s decided to come to Holy Cross. I also found out that another girl from my high school is also coming to Holy Cross next year. Jess is hosting an accepted student who wants to be a Classics major for the next day. It’s exciting that there’s a new “generation” of Crusaders coming in, but, as much as I’m looking forward to a three month break, I really don’t want to stop being a freshman.

A few weeks ago, Katie and I planned to dress up like each other for April Fool’s Day. We have the most opposite styles in the world. Long story short, we never got around to swapping clothes. Well, when I saw her today, I felt like I was looking in a mirror. The best part about it is that we didn’t even plan it! Or, at least, we didn’t mean for it to happen this way!


Well, there’s a huge thunderstorm going on right now, so I have to cut this entry short so I can turn off my computer. But, before I go, please remember to never give hair dye to three college girls with some time to kill. I’ll write more on that in my next entry!

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