Student Blogs

January 28, 2008

January 28th, 2008 admin

Hey everyone!

After returning to campus from New York, things have really started in full swing again. In FYP, we sailed through Purgatorio, and we’ll start Walden fairly shortly. On Tuesday in my International Relations class, Professor Thomas made us play a game to better understand the basics of international politics, and why some things just don’t work out. Each group was given $1,000. Either all ten times could invest in a bond that would yield 20%, or only three groups could buy a home run ball that would yield 30%. Even after a couple of tries, none of us were getting any yield because all the groups insisted on going after the home run ball. Professor Thomas just sighed and said, “Welcome to International Politics.” It made the class laugh. On Tuesday, I also had my first US Intelligence Community class. We only meet once a week, so it’s quite a long class. However, it is truly worth it. Professor Bunke is extremely well versed in the subject matter, and  it is an extremely interesting class. Needless to say, I love all of my classes this semester.

On Wednesday, I went to the men’s basketball game against Navy. Unfortunately, we lost, but it was such an energetic game! The entire gymnasium was bedecked in purple, and the crowd’s spirit was insane! Carrie and a couple of the other girls in my hall are in the pep band, and it was fun to see them play. This Wednesday, the team is going against Colgate, my sister’s school. Unfortunately, it’s in Hamilton, so I can’t exactly see it.

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Yesterday, my RA, LC, planned a “Battle of the Building.” My side of the hall competed against the other side of the hall in events such as “How well do you know your roommate?” and the Lyrics game. Carrie was in Boston for the weekend, so I paired up with one of my friends from my hall, Mia. And, of course, my side won. It was a lot of fun, especially since it was snowing outside and none of us wanted to venture out.

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Well, that’s it for now!

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